Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Next Step

I know I have not written in quite a while... but considering everything happening now it is about time. We have had a good few months here at St. Monica's, living above Cape Town with a view to die for. Grant and Ashley spent half of their world cup holidays with us, and got to experience a lot of excitement in the down town Cape Town. I also dragged them up Table Mountain, or they dragged me up. I was the one who really wanted to go, but in the end also the slowest one. Ashley blew his soccer "vuvuzela" from the top of the mountain and inspired many others who were struggling to make the climb. The boys also have a fish tank in there room now, with four fish swimming around.

Although it has been a wonderful time here, we have felt the Lord leading us elsewhere, and bringing our time to a close. Our dear friends and mentors Joseph and Renee Horevay have asked us to come work with the ministry they are beginning in Cleveland, Ohio. Joseph is a pastor there who was also with his wife Renee in my Youth With A Mission Discipleship training school. They were some of the main leaders in my outreach here in South Africa, and have been mentors to both Clinton and myself before and after our marriage. We are very excited to work with them and receive further training from them. The ministry they are starting in Ohio involves building a missions community there among the churches and equipping and training missionaries to go out into the field. They also want to set up local ministries to start house-churches and evangelize in both the urban and suburban settings. The Horevay's will also assist in building a YWAM base there in Akron Ohio with a training school for missions minded people. We know they will have much exciting work for us there. At this time, they cannot pay us and are seeking employment for us.

Our dream from the beginning has been to work with the people of Capricorn in many different ways and we are grateful for the time we have spent with them. However, at this time God has closed all the doors there and seems to be speaking to us about other things. The vision in Capricorn is not one we want to give up, it is simply that we must listen to God's direction and timing in everything. He may have something in our future that is more than we ever imagined there, or he may lead us into other directions. We know that God's plans for our lives are always the best and bigger than anything we could ever plan.

There are many things we are asking the Lord about at this time. Firstly, that Clinton's immigration papers will be processed quickly and easily. Second, that God will provide jobs for both of us there in Ohio. Thirdly, we need airfare to get to the States which of course is not cheap. Fourth, there are many other needs we will have when we get there, for a vehicle for transportation, for a deposit on a place to stay and first months rent, winter clothes for Clinton, and funds to make it through until we get paid. These things can seem overwhelming but we know God is with us as He provides for every need. As friends have sent what they could I have already watched God provide for even the small steps we have begun to take here.

Thank you for your prayers and any other assistance you can give, if you have frequent flier miles that you are not going to use, we would much appreciate those also. Please email me, gypsygirl4him@yahoo.com

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's a new season...

Hi Friends,

This is to inform you, all our prayer partners and supporters that we have officially handed over the work to fellow workers in Christ; namely YWAM and an NPO known as Capricorn Park Community Church. Lydia and I are on the board of CPCC, serving in an advisory capacity. I have recently been appointed as a supervisor of a homeless shelter for the elderly, called "St. Monica's Center." Lydia will seek employment as a cook when her work visa arrives. Our decision was made prayerfully because financially, we as a family were taking heavy strain and do understand that the economic crisis all over the world has left people with no option but to tight their purse strings. Capricorn however, will always be dear to our hearts and we will always have close contact with the people there. We have decided to fellowship at the Capricorn Church in the Living Hope building in order to maintain contact with the kids and wish to have monthly outings with them. God is faithful and He will always finish a good work He started.

We do however want you to know that any funds or donations can be channeled through us to the work in Capricorn. Just email us at to what you would like your donations to go to. We will also get reports from those who are working there and we will keep you updated on the progress in Capricorn.

In conclusion we would like to thank you for your support and we look forward to hearing from you as we continue together in serving the King of Kings, namely our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you and may His face continue to shine upon you.

Lots of love,

Lydia and Clinton

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Clinton and Jonathan took some of the boys to a local pool.

Canadian Jonathan Grime leads worship during the Wednesday bible study at the tavern.

Some of the Youth With a Mission students help out regularly every week and have fun with the kids.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

After the Holidays...

We resumed our Bible studies on Monday the 18 January 2010 at our normal venue and it was pretty well attended considering it was our first one in the new year. The rest of the week went well but the highlight of the week was the Bible study we had on Wednesday at the tavern. We had a packed house and it was filled with people who frequent the tavern and most of them had decided not to drink in order to be sober for the study. Now for the past three weeks we have had a packed Bible study on a wednesday with many of the attendees wanting to change their lives and constantly asking for prayer. One gentleman in particular by the name of Abraham seemed very determined to make a change. Jonathan a YWAM volunteer from Canada has also been a great asset in our ministry as he helps with the leading of two of the four bible studies in the morning and also provides the worship by playing his guitar. We have also resumed the teen Bible studies with Lydia’s group of now five or six girls, and Jonathan and Clinton’s group of ten boys. The boys group had their first outing for the year at a nearby pool one Saturday, with Jonathan supplying the snacks. We are currently running the teen groups twice a week but we have a feeling we will have to change it to once a week because the kids have school and other church obligations to consider. Our deepest concern right now is that we might have to cancel a few bible studies in the morning because of our financial constraints and Lydia and Clinton are now both seeking jobs. But we do believe that this is for a season and God will ultimately make a way for us to continue. We have also developed a brochure that we will distribute among the more affluent communities in the hope of drawing support from there. This however is not for our personal support but more to assist us to help the community with their needs. We now are also involved in a soup kitchen which was started by the Living Fountain Church but they do not have the manpower or the finances to sustain this. Clinton has also started a soccer team for young boys which had their first practice on Tuesday the 2 February attended by about 40 kids! Soccer is a huge evangelistic tool in this community and with the World Cup coming to South Africa this year, it could prove to be another facet of ministry that we could use to grow God’s kingdom.

Ministry Needs

Bibles, preferably NIV
Food for six Bible studies
School stationary and uniforms
Soccer equipment- soccer balls, t-shirts and shorts, soccer boots
Traveling costs to and from soccer matches
Outings for the teen bible studies once a month
A summer camp this December
Clothing and blankets for the coming winter
Vehicle to help us get to and from Capricorn and also take kids to school

Personal Needs

Personal Support

In Conclusion:

We would like to thank all our supporters whether it be in prayer or finances, you are highly appreciated and without your help it will be extremely difficult to continue the work we were asked to do for our God. May God bless you abundantly and may his face continue to shine upon you.

Yours in Christ and lots of love,

Clinton and Lydia

Friday, December 18, 2009

This blog is dedicated to the ministry news of the Capricorn Project, the work being done in the township of Capricorn, Cape Town South Africa. This project is a merger of the work of several different full-time missionaries to the community and many part time volunteers. Clinton Losper, who has provided longtime pastoral care to the community through the ministry of Living Hope, Capricorn Church, and his own personal ministry has been the facilitator of this work. YWAM missionaries Joseph and Renee Horevay who came here in August 2009 to plant churches in the community got the vision to stay long-term and pray for 105 churches to begin the community transformation. Lydia Losper also came with the YWAM team and is now married to Clinton and dedicated full time to the ministry especially with the youth and young adults. Many YWAM students have been helping and volunteering with them in the community, as well as another missions group, the Foxfire team who are from African enterprises.


Capricorn (including Overcome Heights) is a township that has evolved over the last two decades from an informal settlement to a bustling community with paved streets, potable water, sanitation, electricity and basic municipal services. The community consists of 20,000 persons primarily Afrikaans speaking coloreds along with a mix of other South African tribal groups and a variety of immigrants from Malawi, Zimbabwe, Cameroon and the Congo. English is nearly universally spoken as a second language. HIV/AIDS infection rate is at 37%, tuberculosis tracks a similar percentage. Unemployment is at 85%. Drug abuse abounds, especially tik (meth-amphetamine) as does alcoholism. Poverty characterizes the community. Many children go to bed hungry. The streets are litter-filled. Most housing is shacks.
Eight evangelical Christian churches with attendance between 50 and 150 persons are the sole gospel witness to the thousands in Capricorn . The total church attending population is estimated at 600 persons, (3% of the population) including those that attend away from the community. The evangelical faith is somewhat familiar to the population. One church, planted by two white suburban baptist churches in 2008 operates at the entrance of Capricorn with a suburban church model and is led by a student/seminarian intern. It is overseen by a steering committee from the sponsoring churches. It appears to draw approximately 80 people from the community. At the opposite end of Capricorn is the largest, an Assembly of God. It appears to draw 150 people and operates a breakfast program for 250 school children. The Capricorn project operates five adult Bible studies with an attendance of 40 persons. There is a Malawian church of 100 that caters to that refugee community. The Galilean Gospel Mission has 50 persons. The Church of the Nazarene in Overcome Heights has 100 in attendance. The Vrygond (Free Ground) Evangelical Church has 150 persons. These churches seem to have little interaction. Near Capricorn is a sizable and vital church called Bay Community Church. It is a white suburban congregation that does have a small cell group in Capricorn. It does not have a comprehensive outreach program into that community, nor do many Capricorn residents attend. There is a mosque in Capricorn as well.